Alas, I digress. Currently my hubby and I are living within walking distance of his work. We share a three bedroom with my brother and one of my husband's coworkers. Fortunately we all agree that the internet was created for the purpose of sharing cat videos, and as such we should have one around in case the internet goes out. Cue Ray's adorable, manipulative, brilliant, loving, strange little cat - Mallymkun (though for our kitty I prefer the spelling Maliumpkin). Doesn't she look absolutely terrifying as she roars? Wait... you're right, she's probably just yawning.
While the humans inhabiting the place are just fine with the square footage, the resident feline thinks that there's a bit to be desired. Dare I say that without opposable thumbs she might even be driven to boredom? Of course this wouldn't do. How can our entertainment be left unentertained? Fortunately this occurred about the same time that my fingers started to get that itch to play with yarn.
In this position she is known as "Bellyumpkin" |
The larger ball in the foreground was made using the free Tiny Crochet Ball Pattern by Julie-K. Kudos also go to Julie for staggering the increases thus making it less spiral looking with a more natural spherical shape The eeeensy-weeensy one behind the mountain of fuzz was made using the Crochet Small Ball Pattern (also posted for free) from Isabella's Stitches.
Some trivia concerning Maliumpkin; endearments include: Umpkin Pumpkin, Bellyumpkin, Mally-cat (sounds like Alley-cat), fluffyumpkin, Madame Fancy Pants, and other disgustingly cute names.
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