Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Kinky Knit!

Thoughtful gift = handmade item. Sexy present = edible undies. Combine thoughtful with sexy to create the superlative gift. The gift to end all gifts... red laces licorice panties crafted with care (and chopsticks) by a naughty knitter. If only I were cool enough to come up with this. Alas not, but that is fortunate for the rest of the world; because had I come up with the idea I would hold this little gem of a pattern hostage only to be released to the highest bidder. In what can only be described as an Nobel Peace Prize winning move, the pattern is available free. This nifty little number is called 302 Calories. This isn't granny's knittin'... or at least not any kind she told YOU about!

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